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Additional post-op information

Please carefully follow the instructions below. If you have any questions regarding any of these instructions please contact the office as soon as possible.

  • AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCIES: An Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon is available at all times. If needed after hours, the surgeon on-call can be contacted by calling the office.
  • BLEEDING: A small amount of bleeding is expected for several hours. If excessive, place a teabag folded in a piece of gauze directly over the wound. Place firm pressure on the gauze (by biting if possible) for thirty minutes. Repeat as needed. It is necessary to swallow saliva since excessive moisture may impair the formation of a blood clot. If excessive bleeding persists, call the office.
  • PAIN: Your surgeon will give you a prescription for medication to help control postoperative pain (if significant pain is anticipated). Take the medication as directed. If the narcotic medication was prescribed, take the medication only if needed. All medications have potential adverse side effects. Discontinue the medications if you experience any adverse side effects. NOTE: Medication is intended to help manage post-operative pain but unfortunately cannot be expected to completely eliminate all pain. Do not exceed the recommended dose.
  • NAUSEA: Nausea is a common problem encountered after surgery. Common causes of nausea include the ingestion of blood, after-effects of general anesthesia, adverse effects of pain medication, and adverse side effects of antibiotics. The most likely source of nausea after surgery is the narcotic medication prescribed to help control pain. If significant nausea persists, call the office.
  • SWELLING: Following surgical procedures, swelling and/or bruising may occur. The placement of cold packs to the face for the first 24-48 hours after surgery may help minimize this condition. Apply cold packs to the face intermittently (20 minutes on, then 20 minutes off). When swelling occurs, it usually lasts 3-7 days and will gradually subside.
  • ORAL HYGIENE: Do not swish vigorously and spit for 12 hours following surgery. After that, rinse the mouth frequently with saline (saltwater). Patients may brush their teeth on the day after surgery; however, it may be necessary to avoid brushing teeth immediately adjacent to the surgical wounds. It may take several days before a patient is able to tolerate brushing next to surgical wounds. o spitting and no straws for 24 hours after surgery.
  • INTRAVENOUS ANESTHESIA: All patients who have undergone intravenous anesthesia should limit their activities and rest at home on the day of the procedure. These persons should not operate machinery or drive motor vehicles on that day. Occasionally, patients who have had intravenous anesthesia may experience a feeling of fatigue for a day or two. Activities should be limited until this has passed.
  • DIET FOLLOWING INTRAVENOUS ANESTHESIA: Maintaining an adequate level of hydration is important for patients who have undergone intravenous anesthesia. Water and clear liquids are recommended as soon as possible. Avoid chewing anything until the numbness has gone away. For the first 48 hours post-surgery, we recommend a soft diet, like yogurt, smoothies, scrambled eggs, well-cooked pasta, mashed potatoes, protein shakes, etc. 
  • SMOKING AND VAPING: Patients are advised to avoid smoking and vaping for a minimum of7 days following surgery. Smoking and vaping can affect your healing and increase complications including infections and poor healing.